Focus Group Discussion : PULAU CAREY

Focus Group Discussion Title :
Where Do Mangroves Fit in the Future of the Klang Islands (i.e. Pulau Carey) and its Communities?
The Objectives:
a) To learn lessons from the view of fishermen on how mangroves and mangrove-dependent fisheries are currently managed and have been managed in the past;
b) To identify what fishermen envision for the future mangroves in relation to the fisheries and well-being of local communities;
c) To find out whether stakeholders perceive that the picture/vision of the future for the Klang Island mangroves is achievable by looking at current mangrove situation; and,
d) To start identifying how the vision for the future of the Klang Islands mangroves in relation to the fisheries and well-being of local communities can be achieved and how stakeholders could collaborate to achieve this vision.
The discussion is held in one of the villages of the Indigenous People (known as: Orang Asli) in Carey Island which is Kampung Kepau Laut. We had a great attendance of many families that showed up and willingly talked to us. There are from the fisher and non-fisher community including men, women, youth and children. They gave us of their thoughts and opinions in terms of future of mangrove and fisheries. Then, we finished off with food, appreciation token and some photos.